Grantee Training

2024-25 Scaling and Sustainability Training Series

Tom DeWire hosts this 3-part series on scaling & sustainability, with each session highlighting a critical component of successful scaling strategies and sustainability approaches. These sessions will be helpful to…

Tools for Managing Turnover Guidance Document

All project teams have to manage staff turnover and onboarding over the course of their projects. This guidance sheet with accompanying worksheet can help you plan for and execute smooth…

Grantee Training Resources

Grantee training resources are designed to help grantees manage challenges they encounter, including recruitment, stakeholder engagement, and managing unexpected change. Experts are developing new tools specifically to help EIR grantees…

2023 Scaling and Sustainability Series

Scaling your EIR grant project and creating a sustainable program are complex tasks that require substantial planning and strategizing. Through a 6-part webinar series led by Tom DeWire (EdScale, LLC),…