!Project Management

EIR Innovation Insights Newsletter Archive

You can find all published issues of the EIR Innovations Insights Newsletter in the list below. Click here if you are not yet subscribed to the newsletter but would like…

Systemic SEL Implementation & Academic Integration

The U.S. Department of Education’s Education Innovation and Research (EIR) program proudly presents a two-webinar series on the important impact of social-emotional learning (SEL) programs in schools. Each webinar highlights…

Leveraging Evaluators to Enhance Projects

Evaluators can be a great asset to many components of innovative education projects. This webinar features EIR grantees and evaluators discussing the ways in which they partner during different phases…

Engaging Communities in Innovative STEM Programs

During this webinar, current EIR grantees shared strategies they use to support effective community engagement, including: Strategies for engaging communities effectively when implementing STEM initiatives in rural/tribal places; Approaches to…

Prioritizing Teacher Well-Being Webinar

The critical importance of maintaining and valuing teacher well-being manifests in many ways, some of which became especially pronounced in recent years. Implementing initiatives to prioritize teacher well-being is complex,…

Approaches to Teacher Well-Being

Teacher well-being is linked to positive classroom environments, student educational experiences, and teacher retention. This paper addresses (1) definitions of educator well-being and recent changes in the educational setting that…

Tools for Managing Turnover Guidance Document

All project teams have to manage staff turnover and onboarding over the course of their projects. This guidance sheet with accompanying worksheet can help you plan for and execute smooth…